Sunday, January 13, 2013

30 in 30, #12

9 x 10
oil on canvas, $95
Thought I would give you a glimpse of a couple of stages I usually go through with these paintings for the "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge.

I start off with a light drawing, spray a fixative, then a wash of yellow ochre and red, giving the painting a warm under tone.
Burnt sienna and ultra marine blue makes a darker mixture for establishing darks and lights and values. This is followed by adding color to the painting.

I'm a couple of days ahead on the paintings and I especially like tomorrow's painting #13. Stay tuned!


  1. I would love to see these paintings all hanging on display together. Such a great series. Thanks for sharing some of your process. Good luck and look forward to seeing # 13.

  2. The next generation of Marlboro Man! He is a cutie, Ann. Can't wait to see tomorrow's piece. (Or would that be today's now?)

  3. You are ready for your close up
    How about a demo for Pete?
