Saturday, April 14, 2012


9 x 12
oil on canvas hardboard

What a way to start the weekend, en plein air with three painting buddies at Curtis Park in University Park!


  1. Great to have painting buddies. Beautiful painting Ann.

  2. What fun you must have painting with friends! Love the reflection in the water in this one Ann, great job!

  3. Vous avez certainement passé un excellent moment...
    Une superbe peinture.
    Gros bisous

  4. This is just beautiful, Ann. I think to be able to live in this house (I suppose it is a park building?) on the water with the deep hanging trees and shadows...what a retreat from the world this would be each and every day. You've captured that serenity here...

  5. I think this is my new favorite of yours! Fun times, but that wind yesterday wore me out!

  6. ANN! so loose! love those brush strokes and looks like lots of paint!! really really nice. good for you!
