9 x 12
oil on hardboard
At the end of year, Karin Jurick offers a portrait challenge for her participating artists of her
DSFDF site. I was one lucky artist this year to have been sent this beautiful photo to paint. Karin had suggested doing more than one painting, which was great advice for me, since I was happier with my second attempt (see the original try posted below). I first printed the photo and painted from that, but feel that if I could have had the computer monitor and the easel side by side, it would have been a better reference. I paint in a different room than the office computer, but that's definitely something to work on in the new year.
This past Saturday I spent a delightful afternoon with a fellow Dallas artist,
Angela Elledge, visiting an outdoor painter's exhibit, and over lunch we were discussing Karin's upcoming challenge. I was concerned about being able to capture a likeness of my photo, while she was equally worried about what to do with a more whimsical photo she had received. Be sure to check out Angela's site and see her masterful portrait. I'm impressed, Angela!
Here is my reference photo.

Okay, didn't I just mention that I was lucky enough to draw a beautiful artist to paint! Wonder why I couldn't be as lucky and win the lottery!

8 x 10
oil on hardboard
This was my first try at the portrait, but felt it was too strong in color for the softness of the subject, so set out for a second attempt with a "lighter hand".